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What is this?

HexLedger is a hacker profile service, by hackers, for hackers.

HexLedger is a distributed ledger that creates a digital copy of the hexagons awarded for demonstating your project at hackathons, and registers it on a blockchain, making it immutable, secure, and visible to all.

Our system is built with flexibility in mind - it is decentralised, yet configurable by a central group of administrators who have the power to rewrite the rules of the blockchain by consensus to suit the event they want to run.

But we saw no reason to stop there. Not everyone gets to demo, and we didn't want to create a service strictly for winning hackers; this is for everyone that submits. Also stored on our blockchain are the details of each submission, and the team that made it.

Each hack, hacker, and hackathon has its own dedicated page. Depending on the participation of attendees and MLH, we have provided the platform for the complete record of all hacks from here on out, so that we may all learn from one anothers projects, admire what we've collectively achieved, learn from projects that aren't successful, and use this as a resource to create ever more ambitious and interesting hacks.


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